Thursday, March 15, 2007


So a couple of days ago i was at the hospital coz i had an appointment, anyhoo while sitting and waiting for them to call me, i was watching ppl as they go., atmel7 at the guy guy lool, but i realized somthing, o mn jd shy tafh o sa5eef, it made me hate men effff
anyhoo, at the counter elly ppl go to check there appiontment wala elly howa, there was a guy (cute guy btw) and women (not so bad looking ), everytime a guy comes to that counter guess where he goes ? to the girl :S m3 eno the cute dude fa'9y ma 3endo shy but nooooo they go to the girl o yetmel7o 3endha :S
ya3ny mn jd aby afham WHY ? theres a guy next to her that isn't doning anything and yet u go to the girl :S wallah madry 3anakom ya 3eyal mo5kom '3areeb :S

ya5y ya 3alm ya nas wallah amoot fee justin efffff, he is HOT and his new song marrah yejnn ya5y efffffffffff, lao marrah jao alriyadh ya5y wallah i'm gonna kidnap him and make him marry me :D, loooooooooool
so i'm gonna be called Mrs .Bal8ees Timberlake looool :P

ok yala ppl i have to sleep lool so g'night to me :P :p

tra i didn't check what i wrote for mistakes, so lao shoftoo a'3la6 ya5y mashi 7alakom loool

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ahm Shy....

Ya5y i really find cartoon guys HOT, ya5y mn jd, blallahy isn't
Tarzan sexy, ketha wa7d 6aweel walks around in his short shorts 3endo six pack, yoooooooooooooh if only i was jane that would have been an X-rated cartoon, o ya5y Eric ( i think thats his name) elly fee the lillte mermaid, COME ON , mo bs ensan ye5gg ya5y o '3er ketha he is a prince and something eles in my world ;) loool, and do NOT get me started on Jhonny Bravo, yooooh i have fantasies about him looooooool , ya5y stupid girls in the cartoon don't know how sexy he is, and i can go on and on ppl, but if i do wallah ra7 at3b :P

Anyhoo, changing the subject :P, ya5y there is a girl fee aljam3a that is soooo hot o mn jd she is, and wallah kol a7d fee aljam3a 5ag 3endha and think she is sexy ya3ny not only me (thank god) but there is one problem, eno ll2asf she has a gf :P efff , and the funny thing is that most of the girls fee aljam3a are trying to break them up loooool but the girl yengalha mo5le9a to her gf, they are really weird, mn jd i really don't get lezbians, there are alot of fights fee aljam3a that happen over a girl :S mn jd weird..

last but not least ... ................
yea thats it i have nothing eles to write :P

Saturday, March 03, 2007


So since i have nothing intersting to write about, o '3er ketha kol youm 3endy jam3a mn 10 ella 3 (anwa3 alglg) so ydoob aroo7 aljam3a arj3 albeta anam showaya agoom ajls 3al net alittle then start to do my homework and study.. that is how my life has been this week efffff
Anyhoo next saturday i have to present a presitation and it's a general topic ya3ny we choose what to write about, and i have to write the presintation and send it to my teaches e-mail befor i say it, anyhoo i'm all out of ideas and i don't know what to write about, so elly 3endo shy 7elo o ye7ms and easy for me to write about pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez tell me coz mn jd mo5y magfl and i don't know what to write about.... o elly ma 3endo shy yeroo7 yegashr ba9l :P

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ya5y bla jam3a bla glg efffff

So today kan awal youm adawem feh aljma3a ok .. New term, new classes new teachers and new 8a3at, o ana 6ab3an i don't know fen 8a3aty, so i go to the secritary and ask her where to go or 3ala al-a8l to give me the paper that have the names and stuff.. i knock the door and what do i find inside, 4 women sitting laughing and having coffee ya3ny jalsa 7elwa ketha, i'm at the door leya sa3a o m7d ye3brny, so then i say be kol bara2ah " lao sm7ty " .... " lao sam7ty " .. after 10 mins sob7aaan allah she saw me o radet
Teacher:(faj2atn alnfs zaaaagh) n3m
me: ( be kol bara2ah) lao sm7ty bs kont b'3a a3ref fen 8a3aty o asamy aldoctors..
Teacher: madry 3nk ro7y ro7y shofeeha m3lga henk bara
me: ee sheft elly m3lg bara ma laget ashya2i
Teacher: madry 3ank roo7y et9arafy
and then teglb o tekml '9e7k with the other teachers , o ana a6l3 o adawerly a7d yesa3dny. As i was walking i saw another teacher and i saw her helping other girls so golt if i ask her maybe she'll help me ...
Me: ( be kol bara2h :P) Lao sam7ty ................ lao sm7ty ................ lao sma7ty
laaaaaaaaaa 7ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat lmn tonadee
me: lao sm7ty ya estatha
o faj2ah
me: ( fraked out) : 6ayeb momkn as2alk so2al
o teeeeeeeeeeeeeklm bnt allatheen fee alta6neesh
me: m3leh ya estatha ohhh sorry ag9od ya DOCTOOOORA shokran 3al mosa3adh
she gave a look yooma i freaked out and walk fast, so while i was walking ya5y 5angtny al3abra, i wanted to cry mafee a7d yesa3dny and all freinds did'nt come they were sleepin ( i know i know eash jabny ya5y ) and my other friends didn't have the same classes as me, but the faj2atn i saw a girl kant ma3aya last term so i wanted to ask her lao ana o heya nafs alshy
me: (be kol bara2ah:P) ahlen :D
stupid girl : ( alnfseeya zag ya5y ) hala
me: kefk?
SG: al7amdallah
(waiting for her to ask me ana kefy :S)
me: umm i just wanted to now if me and u take the same classes
SG: n3m wesh tgooleen..
me: lao ana o enty fee nafs alclasses m3 ba3'9 ..
SG: o enty wesh 3alek
me: 3ashan ana madry when al8a3at o eash esm almodaresat
SG:(slowly puttin aljadwal in her bag ) la la ana madry 3an shy
me: ( 3a6etaha nathra) ahaa 6ayeb shkran
( the girl hates me coz she thinks eny 7ejazeya 3on9ooreya o ma a7b ahl njd o keda.. m3 eno i have no 7ejazee friends :S )
anyhoo i sat down o mn jd mn jd i wanted to cry.. but then a teacher that teached me last term ( she is sooooo sweet and she loooves me :D) she saw me sitting by myself maksoorat al5a6r,
Nice teacher:) : Bal8ees ?
me: ( o alebtesamh fee wajhi) ahlen teacher, kefk ??
NT: al7amdallah, enty kef 7alk ??
NT:and how were ur grades?
me:they were good al7amdallah
NT: 3arfty feen 8a3atk?
me:( be wajh 7azeen : no :(
NT: wareny jadwalk..
so i give her my jadawal, and she looks at it and looks back at me and smiles
NT: ta3alee m3y
6ab3an ana fee gmt sa3adty now :P
we go back to where i went first to the bitchy room, so she takes my hane o ted5lny ma3aha
Nt: alslam 3alykom
All the teachers: ahleeeen, o 3alekom alslam ( they chit chat fir a while )
NT: blhahy ya ****** hathy 6aleba mo 3arfa feen 8a3atah o meen yedrsh momkn tesa3deeha
Teacher 1 : ee akeed kan jtny mn awal
me: :S :S
NT: 6ayeb allah ye5aleeky help her ok
Teacher: ee akeed wesh da3wa,,(then she lookes at me /) ta3ly 7abibty 5alni ashof jadwalk
me : :S :S :S ( faj2atn galt 7abibty ) :S

So i sit next to her and in 5 mins 6al3tly kol shy :S
ya5y mn jd today kan glg o nas ma y3refoo yetfahmo mn jd gelt adb, 3ala gool omy " lao mo 3ajbk etzwajy o ajlsy fee albeat :P" looool

yala who wants to marry me :P

Monday, February 19, 2007

Trarjma 5a6eera :P

One of my friends gave me this to read and it was soooo funny.. so read it and tell me what u think :P

وش دعوة؟ what invitation?
ماعندك سالفة you don't have a story!!
سعيد كتب كتابه على فيفي happy wrote his book on in in
مو فاضيلك i'm not empty for u
حاسب يابني my son ,, calculate
!!مابقى إلا هي عااااد nothing left but it baaack
روووح مناااك go from there
قم بس قم stand up just stand up
ورنا عرض اكتافك show us your shoulders width
الرجال وعدني وخلاص طق صدره the man promised me and he already hit his ches
tصـرّف عمـرك spend yoursel
fكلـك ملـح واللـه all of you salt
رز وجـهـه he rice his face
عطـنا وجـه يا بوالشـبابgive me face father of guys
صح لسانك correct your tongue
عـلى بـالـهon his mind
و بعـديـن يعـنـي؟ and 2 afters meaning
وش الـزبـدة what is the butter
يا شـيـن النـفـس و بس oh ugly face and only
إيـه هـيـّـن عـاد yes easy back
كثر منها Do more from it
ماعندك سالفة You don’t have idea
الله يرحم زمان أولGod bless the old time
انا ماني سهل I am not easy
اللي ما يعرف الصقر يشويه If he doesn't know the eagle..he must broiling it
بدري عليك Early on you
you are digestive انت مهضوم
loooooooooooooooooooooool I really found this funny looooool
so hope u like it :P

Sunday, February 11, 2007

5arabish Barabish

- Ya5y mn jd ana ma adry eash teb'3a Shama heya o o'3neyatha aljadeeda ya5y, ya3ny WTF faj2atn yeje Bush o madry meen, and when you listen to the lyrics eash tegool? tegool "ahln ezayk... " ya3ny mn jd eash teb'3a mn al7ayat. Bs 9ara7tn sayra 7elwa wallah, bs lao te6awel sha3raha o tt'9ab6 yeseer shlha OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY marrah

- Justin Timberlake is singal, YEEAAAAAAH BAAAAAABY

-Ya5y everyone is getting married :S two of mu friends are married o wa7da doobha en5a6bt.. shkly ha3ns :S ( bsm allah 3alya), but when i think about it its too early 4 me to get married, bs ya5y half of my friends are :S

- Mo gadra a8tan3 eno how cartoons can be gay :S.. they say spongbob 7abib galbi (i luv him) is gay, and barny o katheer cartoons, ya5y 7araaam yegoloo ketha :(

- PREGNENT WOMEN ROCK ( always be on there good side ppl, i have seen what happens when your on there bad side and belive me it ain't a pretty thing :P)

- Ya galboo my lil Bro got the yellow belt fee al tekwando, he wears it even when he goes to sleep thats so cute ya nasoo 3aleh

-Wensday is V'day <3,ana madry leh alhay2a fee halyoum zay almajaneen yedoroo alshware3 :S, ya5y eash feha lao ethnen ye7boo ba3'9 yeb'3o ye6l3o yet3asho m3 ba3'9 and have a romantic evening toghether.

- Beyonce's song Ring the Alarm is scary, madry leh when ever i hear it atgsh3r. but i bet Jay'Z will think twice befor cheating on her loool. But her sond Irreplaceable is sweet,and she looks cute in it, and ab'3a ahdee halo'3neya to someone :P

- I sleep alot these days. mn jd ya5y i sleep for like 14 hours o almoshkela agoom kaslana o b3d sa3a arj3 anam :S I'm starting to freak my self out.

- Our driver sudanee o yetklm 3arbi koweys o 3omry ma sem3too yetklm sudanee, so i was thinking when he thinks or talks to himself, does he talk sudanee or arabic??

- I think old guys are hot, ya3ny men who are over 30 till 4o somethin wallah mn jd, there HOT, and i like it when they have a litte gray hair very sexy.

- OMG someone has a crush on me, and its not a guy :S

- Wald 3amy sucks ya5y, ag3ood athel nafsee 3ashna ab'3a shy mno o yegol LA2, but sooner or later i'm gonna get what i want ( sam3 ya7elo:P ) , bs ya5y i love him coz he's sweet :D

So thats the end of my 5arabish o brabish hope u liked it :D

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The End ???

How can I give you all my heart, when I know that one day your gonna break it
How can I give you all my love when one day we both know it's gonna end...
We always talk about how we're always gonna be together...
But in our hearts we know that this will end someday.
I love you and you know that, but I'm scared, and I can't come running to you…
Because I'm scared of our love and how it's gonna end and what's gonna happen to us
I'm afraid because I don't know what's gonna happen to me when you're gone
I tried to picture my life without you, but I can't
I tried to remember how my life was before you... but I couldn't
But all I know now is that you’re my life... you’re my everything
So tell me how we can possibly end what we have
You… sitting next to me holding me in your arms...
Is the safest place I know I'll ever be...
You… whispering in my ear telling me that you love me...
Is the only thing I want…
And now… I just wanna know one thing...
When I'm gone will you still think about me?
Will you remember everything we did together?
When I'm gone will you still love me??
Cause I know I will
Everyday passing by is a day closer to our end...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Allah yadenya :P

Yesterday i went to pick up Sarooji from school, and when i went up to his class room 6ab3en there where alot of kids, so i went in and sarooji saw me came and gave me hug and then i told him" yala 7abiby 3ashan neroo7 albeat" 6ab3an kl3ada he ignored me and went to play with his friends, but the funny thing that happened is that this little cute girl came up to me and was like " yla mma neroo7" me looking at her in funny way and in a way like engal3y .. so i pushed her away with her friends, and then she started to cry and grabed my 3abaya and was like" MAMA AB'3A AROOOO7 ALBEAT " i was like " 7abiby ana mo mama" then who came ala5 alba6l sirj he told the little girl " la hady batees( yes he calls me that) " the girl was like "LAAAAAA MAMA" and cried even louder .. the teacher finally came and she was laughing.. me looked at her o fee nafsee agoolha.. mn jd mo wagtk.. so she took the girl and told her ana mo mama and theat her mom was coming in a while a nd 6ab3an ga3det tebky o tesar5 .. ahm shy elly ana et7a6mt when she told me that i was her mom lol:S
Anyhoo so i took sarooji's bag so we can go but befor we walked out the door he told me to wait o ana 3ala a5er 3omry asma3 klma a 3 year old, so he ran to this other little girl in thr classroom and went and kissed her and he told her bye and the little girl ma 3endaha wagt kissed him to and gave him a hug ana 6ab3an tn7t o ga3dt agool fee nafsee " eeeeeewa yal 7abib" o the teacher saw me and cme up to me and said eno hathy Rand and sarooji loves her and she does to. o 6ol alwagt they play with eash other and that siraj dosen't let the other boys play with her , 6ab3an hena ana 3ala alare'9 mn al'9e7k, o aljany 8ayes o wajhoo a7mr, so i aksed him and i told him " 7abiby meen hathy??" he looked at me be kol bara2a and told me " hady Rnd" :$
ya nasoooo a5er alzaman mafa3ees 9o'3er ye7bo malt 3alena bs.. 5aleny bs aroo7 le mama wla baba o agoolhom eny a7b flan 2ao 3elan what will they do ?? ra7 akoon the headline of every newspaper loooool

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Don't ask me lao enta mo gd aljawab ...

Kefk? how r u ? kef 7alk? weshlonk( lony a7mr lol :P)? These qustion i hear everyday and the respond 6ab3an yekoon .. Tmam ... fine .. al7amdallah . o lony a9fr loool ( it never gets old :P) .... Anyhoo what i really want to say to ppl who ask me how i feel and how i am this past week is .. well i have the flu my noise is red not in a cute way i sneeze 24 hours and if i don't sneeze ag3ood at3athb 3ashan a6l3 al3a6sa elly mo ra'9aya te6la3.. my throat hurts i can't eat or drink anything .. darajt 7rarty 39 .. thursday i couldn't go to a D.J elly marrah kan ye7ms coz i was sick .. my eyes are teary and puffy i look ugly .. i can't hear good ( mo shy jadeed bs el7een bzyaday ) i go to my mom for a little sympathy what does she tell me " 6ab3an 24 sa3a al i-pod fee ethnak kowayes ma serty 9agha" yea whatever thx mom ... and to top it all off i'm PMS'ING
So thats how i really feel .... if your intrested
oh and btw I like spongbob square pants I think he's cute :D

Monday, January 08, 2007

Freakn 6:00 am

First of all i just want to say maaaaaaaaarrah thx o yaaa 7bilk ya HONEY coz she changed the look for my blog :D awwwwwwww marrah thx :****

Anyhoo, a7s nafsee ka2ny jineya coz right now its 6:00 am freakn 6 am o 6ab3an alwald o alwaldh naymeen o wad3t a5wanee llmadrsa, o '3er ketha amsi slept at 2:00 am ya3ny almafroo'9 akoon nayama o ash5r kman, bs ya5y mafeeni noom madry leh... yemkn afkr feli naseeni lool :P
Telll me ya nas what does one do when theywake up freakishly early with nothing good on T,V o mafee a7d 3ala almsn ( ella alhanouf 6ab3n who is online 24- 7 and when she isn't online ya3ny she's at my house lol ) so tell ppl what do i do ?? Wallah shakloo mafee shy asawee ella aroo7 agshr ba9l lol
so anyhoo ma 3ad fee shy thany aktoboo but be sure b3d showaya ra7 ye6l3 ta7sheesh al9aba7 lol

p.s thany:
again i did not read what i wrote coz again mally nafs and blthat coz its 6:28 now :P so masho 7alkom ok :D

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Ya 3alm ya nas i'm hooked on laguna beach ,, i watch it everyday and if i don't see it, all my day becomes nakd o a39b and i have no freakn idea why. But come on Jason is soooo HOT mean but HOT , and i know that its all acting and no way theres drama like that in realtiy bs ya5y i like it so i don't care what anyone thinks :P

Anyhoo .. i didn't have anything to write but ya7biiiilha blackorchid tagged me, yaaaay so i'm supposed to write things that make me happy .. I don't know how many stuff to write , so i'm gonna write the things that are in my mind right now :D

1- Food :)
2- Alhajwala fee alswag :P
3- Seeing my mom happy ( coz when she's not then the whole house isn't lol)
4- When i get a msg on my mobile ( madry leh bs at7ms when i see a msg akthr mn mokalma )
5-My bed and sleeping :)
6-Sarooji awww :P ( he's sometime a pain in the ass .. but he has the cutest face mashallah you can never stay mad at him or hate him )
7-Taking a shower, i feel refreshed when i take a shower , a7s e7sas jameel :D
8- Lma mama o baba yesafro 2ao ma yekonoo fee albeat :D ( I hope they don't read this :P )
9- Cute guys.. not only make me happy but make the whole world happy
11- Money
12-Laguna Beach :P

Well thats all the stuff that that are in my mind now .. but akeed fee more things but some are 3eb to say :P ( wallah amz7 ) and others i can't remember :D

I tag: zizo, taqo, honey, moodi and shousha :) and who ever wants to be tagged then your tagged :D

tara i didn't read what i wrote coz maly nafs so if your find some mistakes mashi 7alkom lol