Thursday, January 04, 2007


Ya 3alm ya nas i'm hooked on laguna beach ,, i watch it everyday and if i don't see it, all my day becomes nakd o a39b and i have no freakn idea why. But come on Jason is soooo HOT mean but HOT , and i know that its all acting and no way theres drama like that in realtiy bs ya5y i like it so i don't care what anyone thinks :P

Anyhoo .. i didn't have anything to write but ya7biiiilha blackorchid tagged me, yaaaay so i'm supposed to write things that make me happy .. I don't know how many stuff to write , so i'm gonna write the things that are in my mind right now :D

1- Food :)
2- Alhajwala fee alswag :P
3- Seeing my mom happy ( coz when she's not then the whole house isn't lol)
4- When i get a msg on my mobile ( madry leh bs at7ms when i see a msg akthr mn mokalma )
5-My bed and sleeping :)
6-Sarooji awww :P ( he's sometime a pain in the ass .. but he has the cutest face mashallah you can never stay mad at him or hate him )
7-Taking a shower, i feel refreshed when i take a shower , a7s e7sas jameel :D
8- Lma mama o baba yesafro 2ao ma yekonoo fee albeat :D ( I hope they don't read this :P )
9- Cute guys.. not only make me happy but make the whole world happy
11- Money
12-Laguna Beach :P

Well thats all the stuff that that are in my mind now .. but akeed fee more things but some are 3eb to say :P ( wallah amz7 ) and others i can't remember :D

I tag: zizo, taqo, honey, moodi and shousha :) and who ever wants to be tagged then your tagged :D

tara i didn't read what i wrote coz maly nafs so if your find some mistakes mashi 7alkom lol


Dakhtour said...

Hehehe liked the post so soimple and funny... Loved ur random post walla :)

About the tag thing.. Gheslay eedech eb tezaaaaab cause i hate tags :P

الاء سعود المجيبل said...

loool ... 3edich embarak Oo happy new year..;>

aham shay lama elmama welbaba yesafroon ,,, lol wallah wanasah..;PpP

lovely post..;P

Balqees said...

noo u have to do the tag 3eb tefshlny :P ( ka2ny a3zm 3ala 3asha wala shy lol )

o 3edk embark ya 3sl :)

lool ee mn jd ahm shy mama o baba mafee :P

Black Orchid said...

Laguna Beach is so 5arboo6i :S dunno how you like it!

i love gifts!! Oo surprises kaman! *hint hint hint*

lol amzaaaa7

Honey™ said...

hey there !
i did the tag , check me out ;)

Balqees said...

almoshkela eny a3ref eno 5arboo6i but i still like madry leh lool :P

u can hint mn alyoum le bokra mafee surprise :P ( 7aset nafsee bajee7a lol )

honey :
ee i saw it marrah 7eloo
and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrah thx
wallah i love u :*******