Monday, January 08, 2007

Freakn 6:00 am

First of all i just want to say maaaaaaaaarrah thx o yaaa 7bilk ya HONEY coz she changed the look for my blog :D awwwwwwww marrah thx :****

Anyhoo, a7s nafsee ka2ny jineya coz right now its 6:00 am freakn 6 am o 6ab3an alwald o alwaldh naymeen o wad3t a5wanee llmadrsa, o '3er ketha amsi slept at 2:00 am ya3ny almafroo'9 akoon nayama o ash5r kman, bs ya5y mafeeni noom madry leh... yemkn afkr feli naseeni lool :P
Telll me ya nas what does one do when theywake up freakishly early with nothing good on T,V o mafee a7d 3ala almsn ( ella alhanouf 6ab3n who is online 24- 7 and when she isn't online ya3ny she's at my house lol ) so tell ppl what do i do ?? Wallah shakloo mafee shy asawee ella aroo7 agshr ba9l lol
so anyhoo ma 3ad fee shy thany aktoboo but be sure b3d showaya ra7 ye6l3 ta7sheesh al9aba7 lol

p.s thany:
again i did not read what i wrote coz again mally nafs and blthat coz its 6:28 now :P so masho 7alkom ok :D


Hopeless Poet said...

You can surf the net or download movies and watch them until some of your friends come online! Or you just can knock your head against the wall till you feel alseep again :D

Honey™ said...

ya 7ayatie intay wallah ,, you are welcome the most .. o intay illy m7alya il blog cuz intay 9a7betah :***************************************************

Dakhtour said...

Wallah this is a much better template... Thanx to honey of course and u made the right decision to change the old stupid one :P

Where are those sleeping tablets that i gave u?! Use some of them ;)

Balqees said...

hopeless poet:
lool in the end thats what i did :P

awwwwwwwwww ya 7bilk :$

that template ma kan stupid kan 7elo kan momyz kan 7agy *wiping my tear* lo :P
o b3den 9ara7tn ya zizo shaket fee all pills elly 3a6atny yah they look weird :P

Unknown said...

taqsheer basal would be a good idea ... ;)

Balqees said...

loool then ta3al and help me :P