Thursday, July 09, 2009

About Time ?!

Well i guess it is about time for my to come back to blogging again.
The reason i stopped blogging was for many first of all, i needed to focus on uni and my work and all, and then it was a while since i didn't post anything, and i become kinda lazy and stopped posting, but i have been visiting all your blogs and reading ur updates, but its just that i was lazy and had nothing to write about, but now i'm back and still don't have alot of interesting stuff to write, but u guys love me so u'll read :P

ANYHOO its been a month and i have nothing to do, i finished uni got a 4 month vac, i didn't go back home coz i'm searching for a new place to live in which i FINALLY found !! I'm moving into my new flat in t more weeks inshallah, AND on the 27th INSHALLAH INSHALLAH my family is coming here YAAAY !!
I miss them so much , and in the past few days i'v been feeling super home sick, i want to go back home :(, but atleast my family is coming so that good, i miss sarooji and yousuf SO SO MUCH !!

I'm twittering, i don't know what it is and what you do but it looks intersting, everyine is twittering, so who ever is twittering tell me :P

Last but not least i want your thoughts on this video !!
When i saw it I was like SERIOUSLY !!??
So share your thought ppl !!'

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'v been awarded BY 7abibt 2albi Bliss, and my love Monkey Pox aka 3aliya :P
So, here are the rules to keep the award moving:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
1- 3aliya aka MONKEY POX aka stiggy's EX-mom :P, the newest funnest <3
2- Bliss, this is not just coz u awarded me, but i truly love u and ur blog <3
3- Don juan , My FAV male blogger <3
4- Ruby woo, who is SO one of a kind <3
5- Libero Anima , How can i not love u after you threw me a party awww <3
6- DesertPLAMS (dude it NEVER get old LOOOL ) I love u <3
7- Atoona, ya5i a7bk ya5i :P <3
and yes a SPECIAL place JUST for my 2 fav blogger's <3>
8-ANONY AND ZAWE !!!!! <3 The 2 most funniest and funnest bloggers <3
AND i have to add another one i'm sorry but i can't forgot my love MAR8ADOOSH <3
+ to everyone who wasn't metioned u all should know that i love you everyone <3>

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

YA5I !!


Saturday, March 07, 2009

Who to choose !

Apparently there's a question that almost every girl has to ask her friends when their all togther, 3la balhom they wna talk lovy dovy, anyhoo

" Who would you choose, the man you love or the man who loves you" ???

WELL mostly all girls will be like *in an anonying girlyvoice*" ofcourse the man who loves me , coz he loves me blah blah blah"

Well honeslty I think its B.S, I would choose the man I love .WHY ?! coz my dear IF you choose the man who loves you, you can't fall in love with him not matter how hard you tried u'll always be thinking about the man the you love and would think abut how ur life would be if gave him a chance and u'll be comparing them and in the end u'll live a shitty life


if u choose the man u love atleast u gave it a try even if u don't end up happy, and u never know maybe u will end up happy with him, and if at some point u don't end up togther then u can go to the guy who loved u AND if he loves u he'll give u a second chance and if not then ya5i move on and stop asking these stupid questions ..

anyhoo wt do u guys think ??

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Annoying mom !!

(not that flattring but i love it :P)

You know those kinds of moms who just keep on talking and talking about their kid and how cute he/she is and how omg he did this and omg she did that, and all u wana tell her is " ya5i ur not the only one with children" well i realized something .. I'M LIKE THAT :S but what'seven wrose is that i don't have children and i just keep on talking about my nephews on and on and on and on and on :S

That has got to stop. ok it is true they they are SO cute, funny, aborable ...etc, but i got to stop talking about them TOO much.


Blogging isn't as fun anymore .

AND how i met you mother is FUNNAAAAAY !!!

AND I think nerdy guys are hot, their like the new hot hot guys, wait and see ppl

AND fj2ah one my friends raf3tli '9a'36i

AND I love and miss my sis Dania ( Happy D ?! :P)

AND i have nothing more to write ...

I think i used too much color :P

Friday, February 27, 2009

Life,Change and Love

I'm back !!
The past week or so was hectic, long and depressing, but i made it through, and handled things better then i expected.
And in this past week, alot of things changed and alot more will change, and also i feel that i changed, all the changes are good, but still i don't like changes .
On another hand i met a person that i never thought i'd meet again, and this person was there for me, made me feel better, and i never that it was possiable.
Last but not least, i'v been lsning to this non stop all last week
i love it, and its one of my fav <3

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Need a break
don't know when i'll be back ..

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Scary Movies !!

I don't know why I watch scary movies WHEN everytime i watch it the same things happen yet i still want to watch. Like when i watch a scary movie first of all while i'm wathing the movie i'm so freaked out my heart beats so fast and from any sudden nosie i JUMP !! + while i'm watching if there's a really scary part i close my eyes, but i kinda peak lol, but i don't know why i close my eyes, THEN after the movie, when i go sleep i can't sleep, while i'm laying in bed i think about the movie and start freaking myself out and start imagning that i hear things :S
Last night i was at a friends house and we watched a movie that wasn't THAT scary but still i got freaked out and coudln't sleep at night :s, and every time i tell myself that i won't watch another scary movie, but DO I lsn to myslef ?? NO !!!

And i can't wait till this movie comes out, i wna like REALLY wna go see it :p lol

Btw i watched the trailer and freaked out :s


I'm currently obsessed with C.S.I NY
I got the fourh season 2 days ago and i'm almost finished with it.
I just love how they solve everything its just so cool, i wana be like them , but their work is kinda to hard and i'm too lazy for it lol .

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Me: Mama its snowing alyoum, and ever more then last time

Mama: ooh mashallah, 3ndk jam3ah alyoum ?

Me: Yes

Mama: 6yb kef aljao brad marrah ?

Me: ya3ni

Mama: enty jam3tk b3eedah 9a7

Me: yup

Mama: Are you feeling better 2day ? ( coz i'm sick and have the flu )

Me: madri, a7sn mn ams, but still

Mama: 6yb la tro7i aljma3ah alyoum

Me: HUH !!

Mama: ee ya bnty mo lazm alyoum tro7i enty t3banh, o aljam3ah b3eedah and its snowing and the roads are slippry, stay home 2day and rest

Me: Ya3ni 9ra7a ana wedi aroo7 bs kman ab'3a asma3 klamk ahm shay alre'9ah

Mama: ee ya bnty alah yer'9ah 3leeki 3shan galbi yrta7

Me: 6yb 5la9 ma ra7 aroo7 alyoum .. =D


i went down and made a SNOWMAN !!!!!

hehehe i <3>

Its kinda of a snow-woman :P LOL

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

SNOW !!!


It's been like almost 10 years since last time i was playing in the snow

Its snowed all day yesterday, and i was in a sucky mood the day b4 that but the snow really made me feel better

And for those who don't have snow in their country
ha ha ha ha ha poor u :P

Friday, January 30, 2009


I was at the super maket alyoum, and as i was walking minding my own business, i notice eno theres a guy folling me, o mn 6a5tah bayn eno he's saudi, he was walking around and follwing me 3la balah eno i can't see him, len ma fj2ah qrr o come up to me ...

Guy: Do u know where the ketchup is ?

Me:(madri wesh y7s fee ya3ni do i look like i wrok there:S) ummm no :S

Guy : Ok thank u

as he turns around to walk away he comes back says

Guy: ale5t 3arabiyah ?

Me:(raf3ah 7ajb) Ma atwaqa3 y3neek

Guy : mmkin agoolk shay bs la tfhmeen '3al6

Me: tfa'9l

Guy: Ana tawni jadeed hena o ma a3ref almkan 3adi lao 3a6etk ragmi o n6la3 o twareni al mkan

Me: o ent wesh ydreek eno ana a3ref almkan hena

Guy: 6yb wesh rayek nt3arf 3al mkan m3 b3'9 ( can he be more cheesy:S)

Me: No !!!

Then i walk away

ya3ni seriously seriously 7rkat als3odiyen ma yb6looha ya3ni WTH !!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


THis ad is kinda disturbing and freaky :S

Saturday, January 24, 2009


For the past week and so, everytime i wake up look out my window i see this guy sitting in that bench, he just sits there for hours doesn't get up or anything. He looks so sad and that he has ALOT on his mind.
Me, well coz of al-lgafah elli feeni i really wna know what he's thinking, whats on his mind, what so depressing or so messed up in his life that makes him sit like this for hours and everyday ?! :(
I wanted to go dowan and talking to him a few times, but then i thought that he might be drunk so i didn't want to get in to any trouble or anything with him.
ON another note , i hate it when i ppl i hate and they know i hate them ytmel7oon 3ndi and try to be my friend and suck up WHEN i just simply don't like you. I don't hate anyone that easy tra, i only hate someone when they'v done somthing thats SO shaddy, and they know they did it and they wont admit they did. OR they talk trash about me behind my back and gossip about things they have no right talking about !!!
I'm not saying I don't like gossip or i don't lsn to it, there is a differnce between lsning and ONLY lsning and lsning and spreading it around wrong, AND I don't go looking for gossip it just simply comes to me(A).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fav Tag !..

Tagged By, the wonderful,most amazingDESERTPALMS ( hmm happy now :P?)

Rules: So how this works is you guys add a new favourite to the list and pass it on to 10 to 15 people .

Favourite colour: Red

Favourite getaway place: My room

Favourite perfume (guys): Cartier

Favourite perfume (girls): Chanel chance - amor amor - miss dior

Favourite pj brand: madri , anything comfy

Favourite clothes brand in general: anything nice

Favourite person in the entire world: sarooji and yousuf ( my 2 nephews)

Favourite country (not including your own): Italy, land of the freakishly HOT guys

Favourite car: Mercedes

Favourite sport: don't have one

Favourite sport player: Anyone HOT HOT !!

Favourite spot in Kuwait: Neve been to kuwait

Favourite animal: PUPPY !!!!

Favourite movie: Alot, nothing in mind now

Favourite singer: Everyweek i have a new fav :P

Favourite day in the week: Friday duuh :P

Favourite time of the day: Wagt alma'3reb

Favourite holiday season: Xmas, i love winter

Favourite number: 7

Favourite food: Pizza

Favourite chocolate: All kinds :P but i hate white chocolate, a9ln its not chocolate, y7tek fee alchocolate :S

Favourite cartoon: The Little Mermaid

Favourite blogger: Anoy and zwena 6b3an (A) :P (for personal reasons :P )

Favourite Flavour Ice Cream: I don't like ice cream :P

* I don't know wt to add and i think its long enough :P

anyone who feels like doing it is tagged :D:D


1- Chuck is HOT!! Even with he's british accent, i think its hotter, not that hotter but still HOT HOT !!

2- I odn't get it when someone says i lose ur number :s, if i gave u my number on a piece of paper ok then i get it u lost it, but when its saved on ur phone, how can u lose it, and SOB7AN ALLAH u only my num !!

3- I finaly saw Twilght, i liked it, it was good not bad, a there was some ble5 but in genral not bad.

4- I miss K.D :( , i miss his super long comments, and his SUPER long posts, that dude LOVES to type :P.

5-I'm having really freaky dreams about my family, like really freaky , i wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep :s

6- I need a new bag, well not need need but WANT a new bag :P !

7- Theres no more so u can stop reading !!



Friday, January 16, 2009

BUtterfly Award

So i'm back settled in and everything

sorry for not updating sooner but was kinda busy/lazy :P

SO i got a butterfly award from the lovley most amazing ZARA !!

and now I will award another 10 lucky bloggers

So here it goes :

1- Zara, coz i love u and think ur great :*

2-DesertpLams <3>

3- Amu, the cool motor dude :P

4- Eshda3wa ya5i

5- Don Juan AKA 5alboosah

7- Ghadoor 7abibt galbi

8- Ruby woo, One of my FAV blogger

9- meemzz, My lillte one :P

10- Bliss, My dear dear loving friend :D

This award has to be passed on and the rule are:

1. Post the logo on your blog

2. Add link to the person who awarded it to you

3. Award up to 10 blogs

4. Add links to those blogs in your award post

5. Leave a message for awardee on their blog
Sorry for Those who i didn't mention
i love u all :)

Friday, January 09, 2009

I Hate Leaving, I Hate Goodbye's ..

I hate saying goodbye, i hate it.
last night me and dania my sister we up all night crying, i don't cry when i leave, but when i see my sister and mom crying i start crying and a7s galbi yoj3ni.
Its not that i wna stay, i do wna go, i wna finsh skool there and i like living there i really do, but i just wish that dania is there with me, and anwar, i want both my sisters there with me, their the 2 closest ppl in my life, and thats what i want, for them to be with me, and my mom.
And what sucks the most this time is that i didn't get to see my dad, for the whole month i was here i only saw him for a few few days, he was trvling coz he had a lot of work, which really really sucks :(.
anyhoo i just hate saying goodbye and i hate it when i see ppl i love cry.
So next time i write a post i'll be back home, all aone again ...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Its "Balqees" OR "Balgees" BS thats how u spell it


Belgis, blqes, bilkis, balgs, palqis, blqis,

belkis, balkes,plqess, blcees, bilqis,

balkis balqiss, bagees, pilkis


BS Thats it!!

STOP spelling my freaking name wrong :S


don't even try to be funny and spell my name wrong in ur comments :P

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Tagged by ZARA <3

I was tagged by ZARA!! to write the ten honest things about me and tag 7 ppl !!

1-I'm CRAZY about my 2 nephews, Sarooji and Yousuf !! a7s enhom mn jd my children :)

2- I drink chocolate milk with a spoon :P, i drink it k2ah soup madri leh, a7s it tastes more yummy :P

3- I'm a reailty t.v addict (A) .. i LOVE The Hills :P, i mostly watch it coz ilike to see wt they where, but still i'm a reality t.v addict !!

4- My real name is Balqees, many ppl find thats hard to believe, yes i blog with my real name :P

5- If i sleep less then 5 hours and someone wakes me up OR when i'm REALLY sleepy and can't sleep coz i'm busy or somthing i cry :P

6- I don't have a best friend, the only one i ever had is gone, i have alot of friend, but non of them that close.

7- I'm LAZY !! Which isnot somthing good :P

8- I wanna dye my hair blonde :P

9- I'm not afraid of death !

10-e7mdo rabkom i wrote all the 9 things :P

I tag :
F. aka desertpLams ( u know i had to say it :P)
ruby (when she comes back :P)
bliss <3


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Smart yet Stupid !!

Last night i was reading to sarooji (my nephew) a bedtime story, while we were readin ana t7mst and we started yelling playing and eveything and then fj2ah 6AAA5 !!! sarooji 9aga3 rasahbljdar so hard, and i knew he was gna cry and didn't want him/didn't feel like him crying so wesh sawet ::
sarooji:*sarooji sakt o y6ale3 mst'3reb* eas fee ?? (its so cute ma ygool eash ygool eas:P)
Me: My head it hurts, 9ga3tah bljdar :(
sarooji: meta ?
Me: el7een gal showay
sarooji: no u didn't, it was me, eas bk nseeti :S
Me:no ya galbi it was me!! nseet !!
sarooji:mn jd ?
Me: ee ya galbi
sarooji: ahaa 6yb, yla golelnli alstory ( ma yegol goli no he say golenli :P)

SO i tell him the rest of the story and he didn't cry and forgot he slamed his head :P

toota toota 5ale9t al7atootah :P