Saturday, January 24, 2009


For the past week and so, everytime i wake up look out my window i see this guy sitting in that bench, he just sits there for hours doesn't get up or anything. He looks so sad and that he has ALOT on his mind.
Me, well coz of al-lgafah elli feeni i really wna know what he's thinking, whats on his mind, what so depressing or so messed up in his life that makes him sit like this for hours and everyday ?! :(
I wanted to go dowan and talking to him a few times, but then i thought that he might be drunk so i didn't want to get in to any trouble or anything with him.
ON another note , i hate it when i ppl i hate and they know i hate them ytmel7oon 3ndi and try to be my friend and suck up WHEN i just simply don't like you. I don't hate anyone that easy tra, i only hate someone when they'v done somthing thats SO shaddy, and they know they did it and they wont admit they did. OR they talk trash about me behind my back and gossip about things they have no right talking about !!!
I'm not saying I don't like gossip or i don't lsn to it, there is a differnce between lsning and ONLY lsning and lsning and spreading it around wrong, AND I don't go looking for gossip it just simply comes to me(A).


Anonymous said...

Woot! Love the last few lines, you rock Queen B! Go to hell nosy gossipers, mind your own monkey business!

PS that guy might have a crush on you and just sitting at the bench to glance at your window!

Balqees said...

i hope they do go to hell :P
thats freaky :S
coz he's scary :P

Don Juan said...

well ,, gossip is like something I do for fun and i only gossip with my reeeeaaaal colse friends I don't gossip with any ,, it's a funny way to share infos about people ;D

and what's wrong with this guy ,, tell any one to talk to him if you're afraid ,, q3dta feha ena maho mrta7 ;s

Anonymous said...

jeez that guy looks like his neck might break and his head fall on the ground...
just give him a pat on the back and a sandwich and be off :P

Balqees said...

don juan:
me too i only gossip with close friends
it is funny :P
and also to know wesh 9ayr bl3alm o alnas :P << thats good reason lol
u know i should tell someone to talk to him
i REALLY wna know wts up with him lool

lool he's freaky i ain't goin anywhere near him :P
and now i want a sandwish lol

Abi-Omi-Abi-Oboy said...

Maach 7ag ya bnaya..

Man i hate it when mysterious things like this happen! Oo eli yethba7 ina i know i'll NEVER get the true 100% answer =\

Malgofa 7adi =P

sadia said...

poor guy :(
leave a note for him there the night before...

S E 7 E N said...

ee wallah shakla yaksir il kha6ir

throw rocks at him :P see if he runs :P

Candy said...

i think ppl r tryinh 2 imitate gossip girl,:S wut the?
anywayz:abt the guy, i wanna know wut's up with him?? why is he so sad??
"ياشين اللقافه بس ,
المهم حبيبي انا اعطيج حل،
اكتبي في ورقه شو سالفتك ميبي آي كان هيلب يو!
وعقيها الورقه من الدريشه
هاااع ياسلام على ذكائي

Balqees said...

i need to find u a shorter nickname :P
I KNOW !!!
tra galbi y7kni abi a3ref wesh feee
but he looks scary lol


eee throw a rock then he'll throw it back at me ooh and the story does not end there NO .. he'll find out where i live come over and KILL ME or rape me :P
gimme another idea :p

i think so too
its so sad
and LOOL
i will leave him a note
sweeti ur are SMART !! :p

lets talk love said...

se7eeen loool u cracked me up!!!!

ya7lela walla 8eme6'aaa ....

about that razaaa friend lool alla ey3nchhh

shamma aldabal said...

ya7laaaaaaaaaaaileh !!

go che tralalalalaaaa w sit beside him then chat a little with him =p

and loool at se7en =p

Balqees said...

lets talk love:
throw a rock at a scary drunk guy .. i'll pass :P

and my friend
ahhh bs mn alah y3een :S

libero anima:
mn weeeeeeeeen ya 7liilah lol
he's scary
but i wana knw wesh fee lol

chinese eyes:
i know :(
but also scary :P

Anonymous said...

dont scare the poor guy ;p maybe he likes sitting there :D

TOOTA said...

LOOOOL!!:P se7eeeen is sooo funny!!:P wallah if you throw the rock he might not sit there!!:P

atoona said...

wee msaicheen, a7es he's a 70 yr old grandpa, talk 2 him, maybe u'll be the light in the tunnel that he's in ;p

Fajorie™ said...

OMG Balqees !!!!!!!!

Zaina said...

YES !! I knowwwww!
ya3ni you know I hate you, and i sure as hell know that you hate me, then laish tithbi7eennii with the calls ??? ya3niii I dont know what ur getting at??
they make ma crazy! wayyyy.

Nutter said...

The guy out there seems harmless but you never know...

stay away from him girl, and take good care of yourself :)

MashMosh said...

LOL @ zara ...
noh noh i think he might be drunk =P

P.S:: agrees with you with the gossiping thing!!

Balqees said...

he should look for another place to sit :P

ee bs a5af he throws it back :P

but he's SCARY !!
maybe i should throw a rock at him :P

7bibt galbi enty i love u
how could u say that :(

ohh babe u soo get me
and a7sk m3a9bah lool

gone bonkers:
i know he is scary :(
atleast he sits there in the morning not at night

i thik he is drunk :S

Ruby Woo said...

7aram the picture is so sad ;(

Ruby Woo said...

7aram the picture is so sad ;(

Standy said...

maskeeeen yeksir el '7a6ir in the pic,, i feel so sorry for you..

Gossip is just a nice way of sharing information about people you know with your close friends =D

Nani_37 said...

well you can get one of your friends who you know is nosy to go talk to the guy, that's if you really want to know .. who knows maybe he'll be happy to talk to someone, just don't let your guard down.

Although this is my first comment on your blog, i've been reading it for quite sometime now, it's a cool one
