Saturday, March 03, 2007


So since i have nothing intersting to write about, o '3er ketha kol youm 3endy jam3a mn 10 ella 3 (anwa3 alglg) so ydoob aroo7 aljam3a arj3 albeta anam showaya agoom ajls 3al net alittle then start to do my homework and study.. that is how my life has been this week efffff
Anyhoo next saturday i have to present a presitation and it's a general topic ya3ny we choose what to write about, and i have to write the presintation and send it to my teaches e-mail befor i say it, anyhoo i'm all out of ideas and i don't know what to write about, so elly 3endo shy 7elo o ye7ms and easy for me to write about pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez tell me coz mn jd mo5y magfl and i don't know what to write about.... o elly ma 3endo shy yeroo7 yegashr ba9l :P


Anonymous said...

Umm global warming? lol.. Star
Academy influence on our poor innocent kids? XD
Check 'MSN today' you might find an interesting topic since they come up with all kinds of weird news =\

eshda3wa said...

<---- etroo7 etgasher bu9al

Balqees said...

ahm shy star academy:P
but i can't write about it coz i kinda like it loool
and my mom also told me about the global warming
anyhoo marrah thx :**

eshda3wa ya5y :P :
wait 5etheni ma3ky agashr ba9l loooool

Dakhtour said...

Allah e3enech 3ala hal dawam el khayes

Goodluck with ur presentation ;)

DETTOL said...

hey good luck with the presentation;);)

Rimyoleta said...


Balqees said...

ameeen :)
and thx :)

thx :D

hmm. really not a bad idea :D

Taqo said...

ummmmmm...write about following your dreams! =)

^ atfalsaf.