Monday, February 19, 2007

Trarjma 5a6eera :P

One of my friends gave me this to read and it was soooo funny.. so read it and tell me what u think :P

وش دعوة؟ what invitation?
ماعندك سالفة you don't have a story!!
سعيد كتب كتابه على فيفي happy wrote his book on in in
مو فاضيلك i'm not empty for u
حاسب يابني my son ,, calculate
!!مابقى إلا هي عااااد nothing left but it baaack
روووح مناااك go from there
قم بس قم stand up just stand up
ورنا عرض اكتافك show us your shoulders width
الرجال وعدني وخلاص طق صدره the man promised me and he already hit his ches
tصـرّف عمـرك spend yoursel
fكلـك ملـح واللـه all of you salt
رز وجـهـه he rice his face
عطـنا وجـه يا بوالشـبابgive me face father of guys
صح لسانك correct your tongue
عـلى بـالـهon his mind
و بعـديـن يعـنـي؟ and 2 afters meaning
وش الـزبـدة what is the butter
يا شـيـن النـفـس و بس oh ugly face and only
إيـه هـيـّـن عـاد yes easy back
كثر منها Do more from it
ماعندك سالفة You don’t have idea
الله يرحم زمان أولGod bless the old time
انا ماني سهل I am not easy
اللي ما يعرف الصقر يشويه If he doesn't know the eagle..he must broiling it
بدري عليك Early on you
you are digestive انت مهضوم
loooooooooooooooooooooool I really found this funny looooool
so hope u like it :P


eshda3wa said...


nQ said...

lol :P my favorite is "son, calculate" :D hahahah totally funny!

*eshda3waaa I FUCKIN LOVE YOU*

nice blog bal8ees

DETTOL said...

hey nice blog looooooooooool funny i like it my favorite one is give me face father of the guys

Balqees said...

i'm laughing coz ur laughing looool

Street preformer:
looooooool yea that was sooo funny,
and i'm glad u liked my blog :D

loooooooooooool, i think i wet myself laughing at that one (jk:P)
and glad u like my blog :D

ee i know, but there soooo funny ya galbi 3alehom :D

Taqo said...

you are digestive

u know, id be pretty flattered if a guy said that to me! :P

Hopeless Poet said...

There is one that I use often: You are all taste (kolak thog) :D

Dakhtour said...

Hehehehe 3jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeba el tarjma

Balqees said...

ur weird :P

hopeless poet:
that one is funny loooooool

mn jd 3ajeeeba :P

Black Orchid said...

we sure do have a funny and weird accent :P y3ni when we tranaslate them bl 3arabi.

ren_crow said...

yea i do this alot. Guess what I say to my friends when i see them? "Ish Foge?" (what's up?) :p

Balqees said...

ren crow:

"ish foge" loooooooool
dude that is soooooooo funny

life-melodi said...

so funny... I really enjoy ...

Anonymous said...

فقط أريد أن أقول ما هو بلوق العظيم الذي وصلنا اليه! لقد كنت في جميع أنحاء لعدد لا بأس به من الوقت ، لكنه قرر في النهاية إلى إظهار تقديري لعملكم! ممتاز ، وتجعلها قادرة على الاستمرار!

Anonymous said...

كنت أعتقد جنبا إلى جنب مع شركة غازيليون النقدية المتعددة للاستثمار أن ويكيبيديا يمكن اكتساب بعض خوادم أكثر من ذلك بكثير.

Anonymous said...

حسان ورانيا كتير متمنيه نلتقي فيكن انتو الإتنين فيس تو فيس وهاد شرف كبير..........:-)