I love my name wallah mn jd, i think its unique its the queen of shebs name, and it means " alqowah o alba2s". I was telling my mom the other day if someday when i get married and have a girl can i name her Blaqees ?? She just rolled her eyes and didn't answer me lol. But for realy i was thinking of naming my child after me :P I know that some ppl my think its a weird name but i really don't care coz i'm lovin it, and i think that everyone should love their name 9a7 wla la2 ?? but not my obsessed way:P .
I love my self i really do, coz u know wt i think?? I think that if I don't love myslef and think i'm the best then no one will, so u see where i'm going at. But I don't brag about it in front of everyone (writting this post does not help :p)
What brought this up is i was seeing old photos of me when i was 13, 14 u know that age when ur so ugly (puberty age) and i was looking at myslef and was shocked.. ya3ni mn jd how did my mom let me out of the house looking like that ? Let me draw a little picture about how i looked ..
First i was some wt chubby ... when i say chubby i mean a fat child, and i was so confident that i wore TIGHT yes ppl tight clothes, my hair was long and its not like how is it is now, nice wavey ma a7lah , laaaaaaaaa it was like sh3oor al63oos keshah aleemah not annice one, u know when u ocmb ur hair o y6l3 makshosh? yea that kind of keshah, and wait it gets better 6b3an alfrgah mn alno9 bl'9ab6 ka2nh wa7d jyeb mes6arah o mcenter alfrgah o sh3ri mn foog laaaaaaaaaaaaaa9eg on my head i think i put gel wla cream 7ata ymkn zait (or maybe didn't take abath for a week .. ma astb3dha mni at that age:P ) but the top of my head was shiny. And then i saw like maybe 20 pics and in all the pics i wore the same t-shirt, and no it wasn't a taen in the same day, ya3ni t5eylo i wore a t-shirt i think eni 5ayest feeh, o almeshklah eno ma kan 7elo. Ya raby i don't know wt was in my mind at that point of my life wallah mn jd knt afssshhhl. So after that wonderful trip on memory lane i took a look at myself o la wallah eni 7lwah LOOOL, believe if u saw the pics 7ag b4 and after u would say the same.
So ppl that is why i love myself now and think i am pretty (al7amdallah) and my name 3ad i love it :P
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u go gurl! :P
eey ur name wayed 7eloo mashalah.. my mom is pregnant with a gurl, o i've been trying to convince hur to name the new baby balqees (cuz i luv the history behind the name).. bas matabii mom rashaa yabis!
awwwwwwwwww thnx *blushing*
i hope she daoe name her balgees :)
if she does tell me 3shan agoolk wesh aldla3 elli ynfa3 :P
My name annoys me.
I was 77kg, so I think I'm THE HOTNESS right now;p
I believe that everyone has a unique name , so i think ur name is nice too, enty always think that u do have a nice name o bs =)
loooool, a9ln at that age ma knt a3tref be mezan so ma knt a3erf km wazni :P , good thing u think ur hotness too a7skl walah
Wallah min jed how did your mom let you out of your house looking like that....:p
la zait wala gel, yemken diesel? :)
i'll post a pic of my self when i was a lil boy, maybe 3 years old or something, it was taken 81 or maybe 80,you were born that year? NO :) damn am getting old
painfull memories painfull memoires *dramatic exit* :P
loooooooool mn jd ma astb3dha mn nfse i think i put anything that will make my hair shine :P
i was bron born 88 grandpa :P
don't worry tra 30 is the new 20 and i find older guys hotter then young :D
Well, I was named after someone I've never meant. My name has an annoying meaning. So, I'll pass;p
Btw, you're tagged!:)
looool ok bra7tk
and coool tagged wnaasah i'll do it soon thnx =)
balqees is indeed a very unique and nice name:)
But naming ur child after ur name? la ya mama 3afiaa walla mala da3y U have so many other choices hehehehehe
il asmy these days 7adhom funky ;p 3ad enshala lama alla yerzgich eb bnoota 7ilwa 7azt-ha come tell us o we will help u to name her ;p
oo about mar7laat il mor7qa! please stay away min hal mar7alaa!! plzz dont come near it!! hehehee ana agol 7ag omi 7araaam 3alych shloon sawytay feeni chethee?? how dare u let me go out like that ;p tgoly awaal kant mootha ;p
umbeeeeh the cloths i useto wear!! OMG eeeeeeeeeeeew ;p
evry time i take my old pics so i destroy them my mama t9arekh o takes them away ;p
my crazy bro has a couple of them coz ygool i wana show them to ur future husband lol how evil!!
oh yeah!
I forgot to mention the most important thing!
We all love u too sweetie :***
thnx *blushing*
i know eno its weird calling my child after my name, bs 3ala goltlk mn jd lma raby yezgni be banootah 7lwah y9eer 5air :P
mn jd mar7lat almora78ah alam 3athab lool
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love u too 7abiibti :***
marrrra zayyi..9dg 9dg i'm gonna do my kid a favor o ya 1) alabes'ha malabis 7elwa '39bn 3nnaha or 2) a7bs'ha o ma a5leeha t6la3 elain ma tbda2 t7law
she'll thank me later :))
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