Monday, June 23, 2008

Ble5 .. Bla5 !!

First of all i would like to say that the winner of the last tag was TAQO, she was the only who got it right :P yes she saw me b4 BUT her answer was amazing :P and i loved it :P
so taqo dear congarts u r now next in line for the throne of the "CCBC"
and amu dear hard luck, i know how u wanted that position but a b6ah really ?! honestly?! was that all u can say :P , I really did wanted u to win ( yea right :P)

Moving on... u know that feeling when u gain weight and then NON of ur beautiful BEAUTIFUL jeans fit anymore and u feel so depressed u "pretend" to go on a diet ?? such a sucky feeling,no?
But u know wt is an amazing feeling?? Is that when u lose the weight with out a diet and then one day u decide just to take a look at ur beautiful jeans and say " hey why not try them on" and then when u do try them on POW!! they fit THEY FREAKIN FIT AGAIN... Such an amazing feeling walah it makes u soooooooooo extremly happy. I HAD THAT FEELING 2DAY, and believe me i have never been so happy ( yes i have but i'm just saying that coz thats wt ppl say when they r happy), + u feel sexy again :P, i looked at myself in the mirror and was like "oooh u sexy thaaaaang u " * in a sexy voice*. 6b3an u all migt think that i'm crazy, but i'm not, i just was simply a happy girl, in a happy moment, feeling very sexy happy :P *dancing and jumping around*

NOW changing the subject to somthing that really pissed me, "Pride and Prejudice " the movie, a stupid STUIPD, 8emt alstupidness movie, last night my sister was like " u have to watch it, wallah marrah 7elo, i saw 3 times in a row. plez see it, o blah blah blah "*in an annoying vioce* so i wanted to see wt her whole fus was about, o 6al3 a stupid movie with a stupid typical story, stupid ppl in it and STUIPD, MOT5ALf, 7MAR. LAAAAAAAAMEST ENDING, a9ln the movie ended an i was still waiting, jt alend criedts and i'm still waiting 3ala bali yesthblon and in any min ra7 ykmloon almovie i waited and waited and in then end 5ala9 5al9 with a STUPID ENDING. i hate it when i watch a movie o te6l3 baye5.
But the movie i LOVE and u should all see it is Triston and Isolde, such a nice movie, so romantic so nice, u should see it ppl.

Last but not least i think that the Jonas brothers are hot, how old r they anyway ?? ya5i old wla big alzbdah their hot :P
watch and enjoy ppl
elli y3ref somthing else to download songs plez tell me coz these 2 jabooli alsamrga3 fee moo5i

ciao :D


Amethyst said...

Pride and Prejudice is my favorite Jane Austen book.

kella met2a5er said...

NIce 5feef post..bas salfat el"STUIPD, MOT5ALf, 7MAR. LAAAAAAAAMEST ENDING" LooooooooL, LMAO xD

Light Blue said...

lool 3jeebh enty ..
yes my sister didnt like the movie
and she hates mr.darcy !!
my friend galt enhm k2nhm s3odeen looool ,, she says: ymkn jane austen feha 3rg saudi .lool but she likes it anyway .
for me , if i were a movie i would be Pride and prejudice (L)
i loved the pride thing , and *hands down* mr.darcy is a gentleman ;*
im happy that ur jeans fit ;)

Balqees said...

amethyst :
Books are always better then movies i hate it when u read agood book and they make it into a sucky movie :S

coz thats the truth i had more words bs ma kan ynfa3 :P
anyhoo gald u liked it :D

light blue:
wallah u know eny knt agool nafs alshay 3al movie wallah .. + wts up with mr.darcy, doen't he know how to smile ana ghrni wallah nm jd .. i didn't like then movie abdn
and wlc 2 my blog :D

Taqo said...

wah ya nas.
i love the jonas brothers. how can you NOT!!

they're my guilty pleasure!
don't tell anybody :p



anyways, babe! you should torrent ;) you can get full albums that way, its fast, and you don't have to worry about viruses :D plus, the selection is much more wider!

NoNoWa said...

Congrats on fitting into ur jeans again!!

I am trying to gain weight so I can not fit into my jeans- LOOOL!!!!

Unknown said...

heheheh well in my case i never lebast jeans eb 7ayati !! for like 22 years ;p only the last 3 years tha3aft 60k ;p so now anam fehom ;p

Anonymous said...

OMG people swear here too :D *closes his eyes and clicks the X on the top right end of the screen*

Balqees said...

joe is the guy i'm in love with :P
i'm can't believe eno fee wa7d 15 :S
alzebdah their HOT :P
sm3t be torrnet, i can download it from gogle right ??

why don't u want to fit into ur jeans :P ??

the now u know how i feel
so sexy so beautiful :P
and wlc to my blog :D

where did amu go ?? << m36eytk jawk :P

الاء سعود المجيبل said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
الاء سعود المجيبل said...

hey sexy ;p

wallah walah 3omry ma jarabt halshe3oor ;/ ana na6rah anzel cham kilo 3ashan a3esh hal moment ;/

el movie wallah ana a7eb elqadeen wayeed bas elly mathelta aishwary yaaa5 sa5eef ;p


Balqees said...

naaaaaaaaaaaaaaawer albolg missed u wallah :D

omg lao jrbty halsh3oor believe me its sooo good :D
m bs showay ella ktheeeeer s5eef wallah , 7safah eno i saw it :s

Anonymous said...

knock knock...:PpP

Balqees said...

who's there :P ???

Bliss said...

Jonas brothers?!
umm...bal8ees....are you serious?! :|
mogrifeen o a'3aneehm agraf
o aham shay his voice, what is he 10? :O i don't think he reached puberty yet.

Try using "Ares", MARRA kwayes!

Rimyoleta said...

I'm sure Pride and Prejudice was Noor's Idea.
I'm surprised u didn't like it
I love's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

dont like romantic movies.. and specially the old ones.. i.e. the one with a story about the 19th century they are so boring :)

Balqees said...

oreo madness:
eeeeeeee i am :P
but next week i'll have a new crush don't worry :D:D

u know us too much :P

how can u not like romantic movies??
their so romantic and nice and awwwwww
i don't like the 19th movies too but triston and islode i looooved it, that may be the only movie mn ayam zman i loved

NoNoWa said...

I cant fit into my jeans after i had the baby and I am sure happy- cuz I was pretty thin and now well..... I am happy I cant wear them!! Time to buy some new ones- wwooooooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!