Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Time Up !!!

Well i'm back, YAY :)
I miss blogging <3>
I like blogging :)
well 3id was HECTIC, fj2ah fee al3id we have ALOT of family o bs fee al3id ns2al 3nhom o nroo7 3ndhom :S
too many ppl ya5i :S
AND el7een ana ma 9adgtk ne5al9 mn ramadan o and faty food mn samboosah la knafah ..etc
yejee al3id o ya slaaaam 3al 3id mn faty food la CHOCOLATES :S, o b3den la r7t 3nd a7d o a36ak 7lwah u have to eat it in front of them and if u don't ysoon 3la balhom safah o y7rjook and in the end u end up eating it '3A9B SO here's my 3id scenario with my mom ...
Me: mama how do i look ?
Mama: *te6l3 mn 6arf 3enha* 7elo *mn '3er nafs engalt*
Me*big smie on my face*: MN JD ???!!
Mama: LA
Me: oohh
so i walk away b4 she talks o t36eeni mu7a'9rah of how fugly and fat i look, bs i can hear her tt7ar6m lol
but other then that 3id was kinda nice and fun, i love my family, by family i mean close family mo klhom, well not all close family only my dads side of the family, ee only that side i like and i think are fun, my moms side, don't like them that much.
You know wt i missed after ramadan? My sunglasses, i didn't wear them in ramadan coz a9ln i don't get up ella 3al ma'3reb and don't go out ella at night so i don't need them, so one day after ramadan i open my bag to take out my sun glasses and then i was like " yoooooooh ya gdmak mn zman 3nk", so i missed my sunglasses
and i also missed breakfast, morning breakfast, i don't really eat here alone, but i miss it with my mom, she sits and on the t.v we watch "9ba7 al5air ya ma9er" for no reason my mom LOVES that show, after a while u get used to it and love and start to get hooked on that show :P so we watch it and have breakfast, i miss that.
On a very other note fj2aah ja fee bali and i don't know way ..
I think Hillary Swank if FUGLY, I think eno she is so fugly i don't know how ppl can look at her, ya3ni when ever i look her i'm like w33 and i can't look more than a split second, thats how fugy i think she is.
Well thats all for now :)


Unknown said...

welcome back hun ;**

i love your accent! lol i might see this every time i comment so 6awfay hehehe

saba7 el 5air ya maser! that's interesting ;p

Anonymous said...

welcomee baackk =) glad you had a nice eid

when exactly do you look at her ? lool

Anonymous said...

welcome back... and 3eedch imbarak ikhte

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Queen Bee :D
yalla now it's time to lose all the weight we've been gaining since Ramadan ;)
I think Hillary is ugly too :|

rencontrer Pauline said...

welcome back dearish hahaha no more missing breakfast for now;)
yea m3ach she looks not pretty at all !

Seattle dude said...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back :D

Anonymous said...

are u egyptian?

Anonymous said...

balqoosa wb nawartay il sphere kila :D

malich sheghil bil mama, u look good :P

nice to have u back :)

Mar8adoosh said...

balqeeeeea hiiiiii kaif il7aaaaaaaaal

Anonymous said...

hey there
welcome back sis
quick quick try to lose some wieght;P