- I have beocme FAT, ramadan makes u FAT ppl
with all the sambooosah, knafah, fool, lgemat, and many many mre faty fat food u become fat in ramadan and then wt happenes ??!!
3aid dress's don't fit, and wt happens when they don't fit ?!
mama yells and scream o tl3an a9lk, wt happens after that u go into the room and cry and kl alyoum yglb nakd
so ppl i have become FAT :(
- What's up with muhand ya5i
he's freakin everywhere
its like dude get dude get a life :S
he's in a video clip and in an ad on mbc that comes on like 5 freakin min
and he's on amost all my friends backround on their mobiles
- I am not catching up with my daily dooze of juicy celebirty gossip, i'm almost out of the house 24 hours :S i only come back to sleep
i don't know wt's oing on in la la land anymore
so ell 3ndah any updates do share :)
- 3azoz, my 13 or 14 year old brother and his best friend like,sorry i mean LOVE Hannah Montana :s, he is SO hooked on that show, he watches it on both, disney chanel AND MBC3 :S Hannah Montana is takin over the world :S
- Ramadan is flying by so fast :S
- Who watches "5wa6er shab" ?? that comes on MBC, I LOVE IT, and i love a7med alshgeri, his show is amazing and the way he talks is in the most beautiful way, and u feel tha everything e says is true, i love him
-Zain has done it again with its AMAZING ad's
first the whole blind man and the women love thingy ad
i think i cried when i saw it the first time :P
one of my FAV ad's evaaaa
and now the ramadan ad
this really made me tear up
and the boys voice, mashallah amazing
enjoy ppl :D
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Lose the weight!
i try i really do
bs ya5i the food the food is everywhere
its like, attack of the yummy ramadan faty food :P
LOOL @ the Eid scenario!
Hannah Montana, I used to call her "thgeelt eldamm" o everytime I see my 9-year-old sister watching it ajles at7al6am ;p bs it turns out ennu kind of entertaining y3ny ynfa3 fe awgat elzahag :\ I still do believe enha thgeelt eldamm bs the show is okay lol. Feeh morals ;p
Ya rab tn7feen :D
i have become fat too ;/
ana tha3fana ;p
la2anay mu ga3da akil :(
Cham kilo zetaay ? ;p
run around wala u'll lose it hehehehehe
o zain's ads r amazing wala this year saaaaaaaaaaa7!!!!
o 3ala 6ary hanna montanah hathy!!! ma thb7oona feha our baby bros? LOL
'3reeb u feel fat o ana feel skinny:P
oooh balqeeso ensay salfat Muhanad:P 7ddy eftakeet mena:P
allaah zain wayed 7elo d3ayat 9j I almost wana cry bs ma fhamt el 89a
i think the weight thing is affecting everyone!
Basiiiich akil ya mara!
o me too walhana 3al celebrity gossip! I miss perez hilton!
i think i like Hannah Montana coz the jonas brothers come on it once :P
ameeeeeeeeeen ya rab mn an7aaaf :(
light blue:
faty food
damn them faty food :(
so jealous :(
ya 7athk :(
ella alamaaam :P
i think 4 wla 3 kilo :(
i really should start running around good idea :P
thb7oona our bros o bs ??
ella thb7o almojtam3 :S
ur fat like me mali da5l lol
wallah i hate him o '3er ketha raz wajhah fee kl mkan
eff i hate muhand :S
mn jd zain amaaazing
and the strory i kinda din't get it too
bs eno i think its about aboy helping the guy o madri eash bs eno shay 7elo lol
seattle dude:
ur getting fat too :P
thats good to know :P
ur mean :(
i hope u get super fat :P
ruby woo:
i wanna stopeaing
bs ya5i food FOOD kl mkan
o lazm a5azn for the next day :P
i miss prez too :(
god bless dishdashas/thoobs watever u wana call them :P they rock u wear em for work , u wear em for 3eed , u wear em for weddings, u even wear them as PJS !! @@
raaaaaaaaa7ah :P
loooooooool @ hanah montana;p
uf dont remind me about the whole getting fat issue! im suffering just as much as u are!:/
3adi kolina bl hawa sawa ;D
bs zain 3alam mo jameeel :(
i hope all ur 3id thoubs BURN !!!!
now show me ra7ah when u have nothing to wear and ur love handels stick out on 3id morning :P
it really is GOOD to know eno i'm not the only faty in ramadan :P
don jaun:
zain ??!!
theres no use trying to lose weight or not get fat
be fat in ermthan and ENJOY IT
u have the rest of the year to lose it
o ba3adin next year alaman ebteshtreen badlat el3eed always uy it one size bigger
LooL Aham shay fat:P
shkelna mr7 nefham el 89a :P
ummm i didn't gain weight
el7amdllah i lose 2 kilos
just stop eating all the time
don't be a victim of Ramadan dishes LooooooooL
eshd3wa ya5i :
loved wt u said
and i think i might do it
a6nsh getting fat in ramadan
but if u get an anry call from a mom it might be my mom :P
mako ge9ah i'm fat . :P
la senors lolitta:
i don't lik u that much :P
every1 becomes fat in ramadan .. then they spend the next 11 months losing this weight .. then its ramadan again lol
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