Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is T.V Good for Children ??

This is a question which i really that eno malo da3y , but after what i saw i began to have second thoughts .

Siraj, my two year old nephew.
Me and him were watching t.v and then came a song which you all might now .. The pussycat dolls - buttons , we all of coure know there sexy clip and how in a part they take some of there clothes off , while i was watching and did not pay ant attantiom to what siraj was doing , but when i saw him i found him striping his clothes and trying to dance like the girls in the clip , and you all might think it is cute , but it wasn't coz after that he wouldn't on his clothes on.
Another typical day me and sarooji watching t.v , we were watching a movie which was nice but then came part where the gril kisses the guy it was only kissing 3ady so i tell siraj ( 3eb 7abeby don't look ) then he looks at me in a freaky way and he comes and kisses ME on the lips, well ana tan7t for a min then i told him ( 7abeby if i wasn't you aunt and you were 2o years older i would have enjoyed your kiss bs ll2asf i'm you aunt and you are 2 years old so don't do that again ok ) .

3azozi, my 11 or 12 (madry wallah) year old brother.
I don't know why but 3azozi is not like all boys he likes cars and werstling and some men 5arabee6 but we can't ignore that he's been raised with 3 older sisters so lazem yekoon a little girly touch fee almaw'9oo3. So 3azozi likes.. no no LOVES to watch jerry springer and maury povich, i think he like the drama that happens in it , so one day me dania and anwar were sitting with my mother and 3azozi has just finished watching maury , he comes and asks my mom bekl bara2ah ( mommy who is my biological father?? ) of course me and my sisters were laughing our asses out well my mom just looked at him suprised then he reapeted the qustion, so my mom told him ( 3azozi 7beby you can't just say that to anyone .. you dad is your father) 3azozi looked at her and said ( oh ok i was just checking) .
The same day .. 3azozi came to my mom and me and anwar were there, we were talking about what we wanted to name our children and how many we wanted ( sowaleef 7areem lol ) so then 3azozi said ( i want to name my son Osama (which is my dads name) and my daughter Nahed ( my moms name ) ) my mom thought it was sweet but she didn't hear the ending of the sentence ( and then i want them to get married like you guys) again me and anwar on the floor laughing , my mom said that brothers and sisters can't get married then he said that he saw it once in a movie, so my mom said la ta3lee8.

Dania, my 15 year old sister.
Dania watches every soap opra there is and every t.v drama seires there is, so what Dania thinks and really does belive that she can be in anexploded house and come out with no scratch on her , but the only thing that happens is that she gets amnesia, and she also belives that she has a twin sister , who one day they will meet and live toghther.

So tell me fellow bloggers Is t.v good for children ?


zahrat ilma6ba5 said...

ur family's adorable!
but the only thing siraj should watch is teletubbies and barney..or maybe مواهب و أفكار or whatever.

3azozi's hilarious..so is DANIA!

Dakhtour said...

Loooooooooool... 7dech '6a7akteny when you're watching buttons :) 7ada ra7 ye6la3 9aye3 hal walad hehe

Well i guess children can watch T.v anytime... But let them watch cartoons only o 6ab3an ma3a el raqabah from the parents

Mo etwarena buttons?!! :)!! Aked ra7 yekhtereb ;)

Anonymous said...

Y7liluh Sarooji!
I think TV is OK...just make sure that the person watching, is mature enough to watch the show that they are watching.
I used to watch Ricki Lake, and Jerry springer when I was 8 ... and I came out fine:D (*pulls out another strand of hair*)

But alot of children shows are messed up too.
Like Teletubies, for instance.
Ma t7iseen that its a bit Gay? lol.
They have no genders...you cant tell if they're boys or girls =s
Not good, in my opinion :p

Bs mwahib O afkar, 7ilu!
The host is mutdayin, b3d :p

Black Orchid said...

yeah mn jd Teletubies are so gay:S
i luv Barney, marra bara2aaaaaaa!! and the kids there are so cute lol

Nouph said...

Just a little bit of Cartoon Network, the rest should be all banned!!
-I saw an an Oprah episode a million years ago where she had people saying that TV can be a third parent and most stuff kids learn and catch are from TV!! You go tell Noor to be carefull what he watches!!
Nice post queeno ;)

Dude! said...

TV is fine your family is crazy :S

lool @ telethingies I never saw them wich is very weird because everybody are supposed to know them.

buttons the song marra m3affina but the video marra hot*staring @ the screen and drooling* and dont let siraj do that or he'll become a stripper:p

Balqees said...

lool dania says i told u so .. and slamaat ma teshofy shr :D

he does watch barney o hathy al5arabee6.. but thats only fee al9ba7 fee al-layl ye5rb lol

ya5y alwald 9ay3 mn el7een .. if he see's a cute girl at the mall he goes and kiss's her and plays with her hair .. ma 3endi wagt alwald loooool

loool red the post bs bala falsafa:P

lool yea they are gyay.. and i also feel sorry for the ppl who sing fee the kids show o hathy al5arabee6 a7s they don't have a life or something it is cute bs madry a7s wee33 lol

ya5y barney is just to happy and fake lool i used to love him too :D

yea that is true .. 9a7 lsank :p

yea t.v mn jd the third parent .. kel alna yet2athroo mno o yet3almo kman

we got that alot tara .. us being crazy lool
and you don't know the teletubbis? there the most freaky kids show ever lool

Anonymous said...

Heyyyy I was raised infront of TV and Am SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD !!!!

soo stop wasting time and go to bed early school is BACK 8P

I frogot my passwd
me in Riyadh NOW 8(

Balqees said...

yeeaaaaaa itaaaaaachi you turned out reeeeaaaaaaaaal goooooood* saying slowly* :P