Going back home 2mro :D
i'm so happy.
Home = family+sarooji :P
Home= SOMEONE CLEANING AFTER ME, and me relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxing and not lifting a fnger
Home= akl 3adl, mo al5arbee6 that i'v been eating :S
Home= chilling with my sisters
Home = no sleep 3la kefi :P
coz m mm ALWAYS wakes us up early
lao enk naymah 5 alfajer 10 kl abaait lazm ygom :P
SOMETIMES which is rare, she lets us sleep and doesn't wakes us up
but still i miss that :P
anyhoo might not blog or comment on ur blogs in a while :P
i'll be home no tim for blogging :P
So ella le8a2na algreeb
t.c :)
P.S :
Anony (A)
a7bich and i'll miss u the most my love (L)
forgive me ?????? (A)
ana kel yoom emjablitech o belnehaya etgool u love anony @@
i say ur gonna miss ur plane :@
anony z3lanah mni
ga3da atma9l7 3ndaha :P
ana a7bich enty o amoot feek (L)
and i don't wna miss my plane :(
which anon your talking about? lol
the and only anoonymous :P
ma '3eraha :P
hi sis,
OK wait !! wut's up with getting up early in holidays? i mean ya,my stepmother got suck coz i've been sleeping all the day along and living my life like a night owl,just in long holidays ^^"
BUT, if i wanna get up in el fajar to pray and back 2 sleep? you know, it's cool 2 wake up that early ^____^, i love thh wether fel 9obo7, anywayz,
NO لا تتهورين شيكي من فترة لفترة lolعلى البلوغ ,so ur studying abroad? i've been offered 2 schoolarship 2 America, my stepmama was intereted in BUT my father refused @__@, inshallh i'll take my Master there after 2 yrs n a half, it sounds like a long time
you rock sis, don't disappear ^^"
btw; i wrote an essay ^^"
no i do not forgive you :P
khalas ya balqees getlech give up .. i cant look at ur name anymore
you hurt me real bad .6a3anteeeni bel thahaar o 7a6amtay kil amaleeee :P
Home Sweet Home ;)
but why can't you sleep as long as you want?
I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that,
"I'll miss anony the most?"
Ok now it's really over ;@ !!
*runs off to zwena*
to9aleen bilsalamah enshallah =D
enjooy ur Home sweet Home :)
hope u finished packing by now!
my mom wakes me up
b i don't re-read wt i write so i didn't se that i miss typed it LOL
COOL masters in IS
SO cool
and 2 years will fly by so fast :)
i won't disapear for long hopfully
ooh an essay wnaasah
i hate writing them coz i suck at them LOL
adri enk lesa t7beni o galbk y3ow3k o enk tbeen nrja3 mthl awal
adri feek
so 5la9 5ali al3enad adlets be BFF's again :D
coz my mom wakes me up :P
i don't re-read wt i wrote so ma shft almisake LOL
sorry :)
coz z3lanah mni :P
o ana almfroo'9 az3al mnk coz enty alsbb
bs galbi ma y6w3ni az3al mnk
thnx :)
allah yslmk :)
thnx :D
ee gabl showay i finished LOL
tra i was gna stop packing b3den t-thkrt youm glti eno altaxi ynt'thr o enty ma 5l9i LOOOOOL
so i finished fast :P
ok I got which anon u mean, but I ddt know who's ruby's new shield zwena??
what did you do B annoy shfeha 7mqat 3alich?
Welcome back home...
Hope you enjoy your visit and you have loads of rest and fun!!
Hope you make the use of each and every sec you spend back home =)..
Aww finally!!! I'm so happy that you will be home! Gosh that mean I'm gonna miss seeing you here =( Enjoy your hols in KSA sweetie!
home sweet home :p
laish bs u love anony :@
o en7a banat el ba6a el sooda ? :@
have a good/safe flight.
have loads of fun!
to9leen belsalama !!
shino no blogging!
thats unacceptable!
you know how i like to be first ?? well she went to Ruby Woo and asked her to inform her before she post so she can beat me @@ !! imagine that !!! .. o ilmushkila ena the day before she asked to be my best friend !!! @@
yeah and Zwena is my twin sisiter ;p
Rubyy Woo
sheftaay sheftaaay! .. getelch malha aman hal bentt .. bs tel3ab 3aleena eb kal kilmeteen 7abeebat galbe o ba3ad 3umre o kayanee o tefdach roo7e .. o bs you turn ur back ela BOOOOOOOOOM Balqees's sword!!
thaa3 elwefa ween el amaan *shakes her head*
enjoy ur break:)
LOOOOL aham shay anony enich ga3da etredeen o bold o 7ala chena ur blog :P
bs ma3ali balqees mo mawjoda fa khal nel3ab fe blog`ha shway *evil smile*
LOL @ Zaweee and her evil Laugh!!
hahaha 3jibaatniii ilii someone cleaning after me and not lifting a finger :P SIDAGTAY!;p
itru7een bil salama babe!
you have a safe trip :)
NOOOOOOO!!;P balqees come back don't forget about us!!;p i'll miss you sooooooo much!!;p
who wants to mess up balqee's blog?? :P
laaaaaaaaa anonyy haram ;p
PLUS balqees officially appointed me her BLOGKEEPER =D
so makoooo messing up!
NAFSE WALLA NAFSE !! I'ts really scary hehe bithab6 ilahya2 ily basaweeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa !!!! tro7on w triden bisalama inshala ;******************************* i luv uuuuuu :D
deeeeeeeeeeez we're friends right???? we's ur spirit in fighting haa??
this is ur opportunity ..we can do whatevr we want WHAT EVER WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT you hear me ????
comon dez comoni know you want it .. i knoooooooooooooooooow
*sets the blog of fire*
*sprays some Fire Extinguisher Foam*
sheno hal 7arb ely ga3d y9eer @@
lol u guys are funny
atooon laaaaaaaaaaaaish e7na shabeeen fire 3ashaan tetdafeeen :P
eee sa7 7ag el defaa
al7een balqee's blog is so warm mo awal ..
et9adgeen yabeela deffa.. 7ady bardana labsa pajama fogha jumper o fogha roob o shaba el dafya ;P
3ayal et6afeen el nar laish :@ mat3arfeen ena Balqees is cold hearted !! 3ashan chethy her blog is always cold :P wala shloon han 3aleeha etkhaleekom o tamshe haa??? golili shloooooooooooon ???
*etket banzeen all over the blog o ta36eeni atoona el chabreet*
yalla you do the honor :D
@@ Anonyooo!!
lool ma daraiit ena y6la3 mennich hal evil side LOL!
ur EviL attitude 3ajeeeeeeeb, hehe
lel2asaf ana jeddan jeddan musalema, wa qalby al 7anoon la yasta6ee3u an yaf3al shay2an bl chebreet ;p
weh slaima
*tes7aab el chabreeet men eed atoona*
*looks around*
*et6eg ergubat'ha .. yemeen chak . yesaar chak*
yeah that feels better ..
*etsheb el chabreet .. o ta7thefa eb borood a3saab*
*etshof el blog ysheb nar o ye7tereg*
*tebtesem ebtesamat retha o te6la3 bara el blog*
*tarketh etdafe 3omorha yam alnaar o etyeeb marshmallow o takel*
you guys are craaaaazy ;p
when queen B comes back, shes gonnaa killl youuuuu ! hehehehe
nooooooo deze she wont .. i've planted a bomb on the blog's door .. so the moment she enter the blog .. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! no more Balqeees HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@@ waaah!!
what's this i hear about Murder?!
*de-activates the bomb and eats marshmallows w/ zaweeeee, and offers some to Anony el3ajel elsha6ra*
*re-activates the bomb o tarbez atoona feha*
hatha 3eqabech :@ do you know how loong it took me to do it and hide it :@
*covers face and cries.. i don wana die!..not w/o my marshmallows*
@@ Anony's evil twin is taking over Anony (and NO NO zawee aint evil, i mean some other evil thing taking over, i can feel it :/ )
lets save Anonyyy!
u're going to die without marshmallow . u're gona die ALONE, COLD IN THE DARK :@
you did not see my evil side yet .. im just warming up :@
no saving or else ur alllll dead :@
P.S: i think i want to run someone with my car! .. hmm!
ANONY leave atoona alone
*runs etfech albomb o takheth atoona o ta36eha matshmallow ta3alay entedafa o nan6er balqes tenfejer o we enjoy the firework*
atoona shtabeen fe balqees khal etwali o we take the CROWN
bro7ha khalatna o nesat al secret santa gifts :@
@@ zwena you choose atoona over me @@
*enaar te6la3 men 3yoonha*
*breath in, breath out, in , out , in , out*
*searchs for forgiveness inside her* mako!
*searches deeper*
*oh ka legeet tharat 3a6f!*
khalas sama7tech atoona .. only because i once liked you :@
*etrakeb 3 bombs instead of 1*
zwena u'll see a hell of a fireworks :D
Zaweeeeee!! my savior!
*owe my life to Zawe for saving me*
therrat 3a6f ya Anony?... bas therra wa7da 9gheera?? offaaaahh
such harsh, hars words
*atoona ma tadre shetsawy eb 3omerha, tarjiff, joins Zawe eating marshmallows and thinks, ee wallah Balqeees Khanoom haddatna o ma yabatlena our agreed secret santa!!*
laa ana kent abi anqethech min nafsech 3ashaan matmawteeha o etdesheen alnar :P
o b3deen ehya 9adeqatna @@
*etgareb atooona min aldefa 3ashaan matarjef*
ya3ni badesh elnar etha qetalt atoona bs mara7 adesh elnar etha qetalt balqees?
come to think about it balqees deserved it ..
khalas atoona sama7tech .. after all you are our friend :D
*pats on atoona's back* its ok dont be afraid anymore
but you have to join me in the killing :D
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