Saturday, March 07, 2009

Who to choose !

Apparently there's a question that almost every girl has to ask her friends when their all togther, 3la balhom they wna talk lovy dovy, anyhoo

" Who would you choose, the man you love or the man who loves you" ???

WELL mostly all girls will be like *in an anonying girlyvoice*" ofcourse the man who loves me , coz he loves me blah blah blah"

Well honeslty I think its B.S, I would choose the man I love .WHY ?! coz my dear IF you choose the man who loves you, you can't fall in love with him not matter how hard you tried u'll always be thinking about the man the you love and would think abut how ur life would be if gave him a chance and u'll be comparing them and in the end u'll live a shitty life


if u choose the man u love atleast u gave it a try even if u don't end up happy, and u never know maybe u will end up happy with him, and if at some point u don't end up togther then u can go to the guy who loved u AND if he loves u he'll give u a second chance and if not then ya5i move on and stop asking these stupid questions ..

anyhoo wt do u guys think ??


Anonymous said...
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SunshineKuwait said...

i would choose eli y7ebni wa7ebah ;) mo eli bs ohwa y7ebni wala eli bs ana a7ebah ;/

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. I'd rather be with someone who loves me l2an I'm an emotional person o a7ss I can easily love him :D a9lan I don't think I can live with someone who I know that doesn't love me back, that hurts!

LOOL @ 'la balhom they wna talk lovy dovy' XD

Anonymous said...

I would choose a man I love and he love me in return.

3aliya said...


bas when it comes to serious talk i would choose the one i love but if i choose the one who loves me you barely love him back

but i think... a woman can change a man's mind

but the man can't change the woman's mind only if he was clever!! and nowadayss it's hard to find a clever man!!


Mar8adoosh said...

hmm madreee... bs my mum always says marry a guy who loves you hehe.. madre bs ana i9ara7a i prefer marrying someone ma3arfa 3adil ya3ni.. w b3dain a7iba hehe ;p

miss uuuu ;*****

Zainab Sadiq said...

it’s hard 2 say!
but i think i’m gonna 2 choose the man i lovvve,
coz sure i will can’t live without him, right?
and i don’t want 2 live with a man and my heart with another!
but sure i will feel sorry 4 the man who is n love with me x\

Nutter said...

after what i've been through i'm choosing a man who loves me instead! 3ad yt7ammal elli yjeeh :P

Balqees said...

noo u can't :P
u have to choose one of these 2 o bs

hind :
the other guy mo doesn't love u
but doesn't love you as much as the other guy
ya3ni 3adi 3arfti

noo have to choose one the the 2 :P
and then u don't have to choose u already have fahad <3

Chicken pox( LOVIN IT!!:P)
so far ur the bes answer
and true u can change the man's mind !!

yes it capital letters :P
ya lil romantic girly u :P
but no u have to choose one of the 2 :P
missed ya too babe :**

that is wt u should pick
well u will feel a bit sorry for him but then again ur happy with who u love and u'll always be happy :)

gone bonkers:
but wouldn't u be thinking about the man u love ??

3aliya said...


Balqees said...

Chicken pox :
can we change it to monkey pox ??? :P
they sound more fun :D:D right :P

FourMe said...

i agree with you a 100%

Don Juan said...

don't ask me ;Pp

3aliya said...


shamma aldabal said...

see that's exactly why i think love is over rated ! .. stop thinking about it so much ..
let it just come to u ! .. weather u love or be loved .. whatever it is just let it be ..

shamma aldabal said...

btw party on my blog NOW ! =p

Anonymous said...

u think so?!!
maybe who knows. if it happened to me i will tell u my opinion :D

Anonymous said...

I would choose the man I love cuz bilnisba 7agge I find it hard to love .. i mean yess fe guys loved me o they wanted me bas I didnt love any of them back !! ..
so yeah if I someday loved a guy o he loved me back, i wouldnt care if there is someone else out there loves me ;)

Oranjina fadidra said...

you totally right!!

Silver said...

definately the man who loves me.

cz if I go for the man I love, he might be thinking of the woman HE loves. So mite as well stick to the guy who loves me so i can daydream freely about the man I love;p

Standy said...

the man who loves me i guess i will choose, adn just make sure that i force my self to love him back to be happy =p

Balqees said...

fourme :
i love it when someone agree's with me :D:D

don juan :
i wna hear a guys point of view..
tell me wt u think :P


la la 5laaa9 this is r new nickname lool

libero anima:
that is true tra
and its too complicated to talk about :)

i do think so
and honestly i would love a guy opinion :)

its good u got my point :D

i know ! and i rock right :P

but wt if he doesn't have a woman he loved ??

stand alone:
wt if u can't ?
wt then ??

Don Juan said...

it's not that I thought it's for girls only ,,, noooo ,, it's just that I have nothing to say << never been through such situations ,, never been loved by a girl :$

sorry ;D

Balqees said...

don juan :
ok even if u were never inlove
WT od u think is right?
wt seems right to u ...

Anonymous said...

I think it should be both give love you get love and thats when you enjoy it more :D

Don Juan said...

I believe they both should love each other ,, it's not right to love someone and he don't love you as much as you do
They both should give 100% :)
but if I have to choose I'm gonna choose the one I LOVE ,, because after all she will fall in love with me ;D
but where is she :(

eshda3wa said...

esh3ndich beeboo?

7abatlich a7ad?

a7ad abich

e3tarfay ya5ee!

Balqees said...

everyone wants that BUT
u have to choose one !!

don juan :
inshallah u will find her soon
u just have to wait :)
and i too don't think its fair to love someone and and that someone doesn't love u the same way back
but somtimes life if just unfair :)

eshda3wa :
la 7ub wla ba6ee5 :P