Monday, July 28, 2008


I've been tagged by jouja, who is the greatest and sweetest ever and did my new layout, thnx jouja I LOVE U :***

yla bsm allh

Time Started : 7:57 am

note ( put in mind eno i'm on the msn and doing this tag so it maight take a while lol )


Name: Balqees

My friends called me: Balqees, and oe used to call me koosah so klhom called :P

My Nickname(s): yooh too many NN o klha tefashl so ma ra7 agool :P

Birthday: May 20 - 1988

Major: Engilsh Studies

Job Title: Student


Boys name: 3abdalmajeed

Girls name: Balqees :P and Najla

Perfume: ktheeer, mafe shay mo3ayn

Fruit: grapes

Veggie: w333 nothin *est'3frallah*

Fast food place: madri alot, ummm matbe subway

Favorite cartoon character: Little Mermaid


Ice Cream: i don't eat ice cream

Have u ever ?!

Bungee jumped: ha ha ha . no

Used someone: well it depends, lao a6ee7 mn 3eenkom then no, and if not then ee :P

Had bloody nose: yooh 3ed o e'3l6

Played truth or dare: m3leash who hasn't

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: yup, and not a smart thing to do

Been in a physical fight: everyone has, aln9ab elli yegool la2

knocked on wood: ee <<>
Broken a bone: nope

Broken the law: est'3frallah wesh halso2al

Last Time

Laughed and why? now and still laughing, some said somthing funny 3al msn LOOOOOOL i would tell u bs ma ynfa3 :P

Cried and why? i always cry

Hugged someone and whom ? i hug alot of ppl

Recieved a Call and from whom ? my friend (wts up with the whom ya5i lol

Used a Pen and what did wrote ? i used one ams, to fill an form

Lied and whats the truth ? i don't lie :P

Recieved a message and form whom ? ya5i wesh thal as2elah :S

Took a Shower: alyoum

Put Make-up On: alyoum

Ride a bike: yoooooooooooooooooh mn zmaaaaaan o mn kthar maho mn mzan i forgot wesh bike a9ln lol

What does it mean to you ?

Your family: Most important ppl to me

Your home: Safest Place

Your friends: PARTAAAAY PPL

Yourself: The Queen :P

Your birthday: its a very important day in my life o ya welah elie yensa

Your bedroom: My bedroom

Your car: Malt 3aly ma 3ndy car lol

Your mobile: the thing that i call i ppl with

Your PC/laptop: my love lol

Blogging: nice thing <<>
Money: hehehe *evil laugh*

Right Now

Eating: nothing

Thinking: to kill the person elli katb hal tag

Smelling: my arm pits LOOOOOOOOOOOL *jk*

Watching: madri kl shay :P lol

Listening to: Quran ( tra mn jd i ammadri why some ppl think its a joke)

Feeling: high .. drank one too many redbulls

Wearing: jeans and a t-shirt

Waiting for: nothing

Hating: well not hate bs eny 7a8dah 3ala a7d


loving: alot of ppl

Worried about: nothing

Planning: to have a baby LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ( i soo wanted to say that its not true so la t9dgoon:P)

Annoyed with: nothing

Mention two things that...

Make you happy: my mom smiling, and sarooji laughing

Thatyou're obsessed with : madri

Make you sad: madri

You hate: alot of ppl and things

You're doing: ya3ni wesh raykom ya3ni, ga3da aktb haltag

You like to eat: chocolate and pizza

Smell Bad: kaka o zbalah LOL

That weprobably dont know about you: u don;t know about it for a reason ya3ni i don't wana say it

That you did today: alot of stuff
That are dangerous :madri

That you'e good at: i'm good at everything :P

That hurt: madri
Tell us something your "3ax el nas" about: madri kl alnas shay
Can you play any instruments? nope
List four things that you are less than 3 meters away from: GOING INSANE
If they were to make a movie about your life, what would that movie be called? Queen Baqlees, the greatest queen ever :P
Have you ever been told you look like someone, if yes, who? ee, '9eya2 elli kant fee star academy m3 eno I'M SOO HOTTER madri wesh y7soon fee
Are you enjoying this tag ? MN JDK HALSO2AL
What bad habits do you have ? madri
If you could have one day being the opposite gender, What would you do ? i'm happy being al girl 7amdallah
Worst Thing that has happened to you this year: madri
What's your current Habba Song ? wts habba ??????
Any last words ? allah ysam7k ya jouja LOL
Finished tag: 1:44 am ( tra i took a break o b3den raj3 loool )
OK so i TAG :
k.d coz he LOVES writting alot so dude enjoy :P
oreo madness
yla ya 7lweeeeeeeeeeeeen enjoy 5eeeeeeeeeso zay ma ana 5est :P


J o u j a™ said...

that was the funniest answers
madri shno a3lq 3leeh o shno a5li
bel that "smell Bad: kaka o zbalah LOL" looool

im sorry baby t3btich eb hal tag
i think u have to kill ghadoor she created that tag ;p


Balqees said...

looool thnx
glad u enjoyed it
and la ma t3ttini it was kinda fun
and thnx for tlling me it was ghdoor now i kow who to kill looool


Gee™ said...

here i am

kill me

LOL ;p

K.D said...

yea kill her!!
seriously.. KILL her :(

i love writing.. but this's really not writing.. this's a college application plus the SAT test!

i'll get back to you regarding your answers

Balqees said...

*stramgles gahdoor*
jk :D
u know u i love ya , ba alla yhdeekd bs lool

i know :P
bs yla do it muwahahaha :P

Gee™ said...

LOL, ma3aleh we're having fun shwarana ;p

allah ysam7ek, u know that i was bored ;(
yalla do it :p

Balqees said...

mn jd ya5i wesh wrana :P
but it was fun doing it u know
and + wallah ver smrt of u to do this tag wallh :D

Amethyst said...

Allah ysam7ech, mani radetech cuz awal mara you tag me:)

Balqees said...

ya 7biilk :**
trs howa mt3b but in the end its fun :P
yla enjoy

Mar8adoosh said...

looooool this was really fu nto read ;p

aham shay il having a baby loooooooool oo smelling ur armpits .. don't worry i know mu 9ij lol ;p

Balqees said...

umm, ok :S

ya5ti when u do a tag that long 5la9 tbd2i te5rfi :P

Bliss said...

how are your arm pits going?
still smelly? ;)

and how come you don't eat ice cream!!
enti mo ensaaaan

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