Thursday, March 15, 2007


So a couple of days ago i was at the hospital coz i had an appointment, anyhoo while sitting and waiting for them to call me, i was watching ppl as they go., atmel7 at the guy guy lool, but i realized somthing, o mn jd shy tafh o sa5eef, it made me hate men effff
anyhoo, at the counter elly ppl go to check there appiontment wala elly howa, there was a guy (cute guy btw) and women (not so bad looking ), everytime a guy comes to that counter guess where he goes ? to the girl :S m3 eno the cute dude fa'9y ma 3endo shy but nooooo they go to the girl o yetmel7o 3endha :S
ya3ny mn jd aby afham WHY ? theres a guy next to her that isn't doning anything and yet u go to the girl :S wallah madry 3anakom ya 3eyal mo5kom '3areeb :S

ya5y ya 3alm ya nas wallah amoot fee justin efffff, he is HOT and his new song marrah yejnn ya5y efffffffffff, lao marrah jao alriyadh ya5y wallah i'm gonna kidnap him and make him marry me :D, loooooooooool
so i'm gonna be called Mrs .Bal8ees Timberlake looool :P

ok yala ppl i have to sleep lool so g'night to me :P :p

tra i didn't check what i wrote for mistakes, so lao shoftoo a'3la6 ya5y mashi 7alakom loool

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ahm Shy....

Ya5y i really find cartoon guys HOT, ya5y mn jd, blallahy isn't
Tarzan sexy, ketha wa7d 6aweel walks around in his short shorts 3endo six pack, yoooooooooooooh if only i was jane that would have been an X-rated cartoon, o ya5y Eric ( i think thats his name) elly fee the lillte mermaid, COME ON , mo bs ensan ye5gg ya5y o '3er ketha he is a prince and something eles in my world ;) loool, and do NOT get me started on Jhonny Bravo, yooooh i have fantasies about him looooooool , ya5y stupid girls in the cartoon don't know how sexy he is, and i can go on and on ppl, but if i do wallah ra7 at3b :P

Anyhoo, changing the subject :P, ya5y there is a girl fee aljam3a that is soooo hot o mn jd she is, and wallah kol a7d fee aljam3a 5ag 3endha and think she is sexy ya3ny not only me (thank god) but there is one problem, eno ll2asf she has a gf :P efff , and the funny thing is that most of the girls fee aljam3a are trying to break them up loooool but the girl yengalha mo5le9a to her gf, they are really weird, mn jd i really don't get lezbians, there are alot of fights fee aljam3a that happen over a girl :S mn jd weird..

last but not least ... ................
yea thats it i have nothing eles to write :P

Saturday, March 03, 2007


So since i have nothing intersting to write about, o '3er ketha kol youm 3endy jam3a mn 10 ella 3 (anwa3 alglg) so ydoob aroo7 aljam3a arj3 albeta anam showaya agoom ajls 3al net alittle then start to do my homework and study.. that is how my life has been this week efffff
Anyhoo next saturday i have to present a presitation and it's a general topic ya3ny we choose what to write about, and i have to write the presintation and send it to my teaches e-mail befor i say it, anyhoo i'm all out of ideas and i don't know what to write about, so elly 3endo shy 7elo o ye7ms and easy for me to write about pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez tell me coz mn jd mo5y magfl and i don't know what to write about.... o elly ma 3endo shy yeroo7 yegashr ba9l :P