Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Faraj allah 8areeb :)

So FINAALY i finished my exams al7amdallah last wensday *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay* .. but the tests where soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard 7asbe allah 3alehom,math and fezya2 and kemya2 where the hardest and 6ab3n zft fehom and i cried and cried :"( poor me :P ...... and in 2 weeks i only slept 15 hours so you do the math ..
Anyways all this week i had alot of dj's to go to that where sooooo much fun :D but there was this one dj i didn't like alot the girls that where there marrah kano thageleeeen dam but i made the best out of it :D
And right now ga3da a7awl a6l3 shahadaty mn alnet which i didn't find it untill now .. all my friends saw theres exept me .. and i know you wondering why don't i tell my friends to see it for me but i don't want anybody to see my nebah alfashela expet me :D so pleeez d3ooly that i get a good nesbah inshallah ..

So fee al5etam it feels sooo good to finally finish school w .. and i soooo miss the TV and net so your gonna find me 24/7 online :D

bokra mobarat also3odia and i hope there gonna kick Tunis's butt .


Taqo said...

LOL. Zay yee bithbt.

I went to moe.gov, to see if my nisba was there.

I really effed up, Mind you.
Enti mashalla 3leek, ma d5lty el net during exams O no TV.
Ana kent ad5il KIL YOM.

O naseet ragam Jolusi :s
So I dont know how I'm going to get it! HAHA --- mo 9a7iyah.

I'm sure u'll do great!

Black Orchid said...

MABROOOOOOK ((for finishing your exams))

efff wallah allah y3eeni next year!:S:S

Nouph said...

Congrats, I hope u got a good nesba after all ;)

Anonymous said...

congrats on the salvation !
hope u got a good average

=) !

Rimyoleta said...


Balqees said...

i got my nesba 3ala aljawal .. and its not good :S anyways al7amdallah :D
and my dad fa9l alnet thats why i didn't use the net ya3ny ma kan 3ala kefy :P

o allah y3enk3ala next year :D

fo0f, nourah, rima:
thnx you guys :******

ahmed said...

mabrooooooooooooooooook lolololololoeeeee

Balqees said...

oohhhh i slept for 14 hours stright and it felt soooooooo good

thnx :D

mabrook 3alena ana o enty :D
and i went to almnarat ..
what about you ??